Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween!

from The Sellars' clan

A.K.A. The cutest butterfly you've ever seen

A.K.A. Pirate Jake (from Jake and the Neverland Pirates)
A.K.A. Pirate Izzy (from Jake and the Neverland Pirates)
This year we had double the Halloween fun!
Sunday evening we went to the Harvest Festival at our church.
Think carnival games, rides, food and tons of candy.

Then on Halloween we went Trick-or-treating!

The kids had a blast!
And we got more candy then we know what to do with.

Hope you guys had a fun Halloween!

This picture cracks me up.
Look at Madelyn's face :)


Erika said...

OMG..:))) your little one is sooo cute!!!

Carole Powell said...

She is totally thinking, 'What the heck do you have me wearing??' Too CUTE!